Tuesday, July 10, 2007

More on the 'revelatory' dossier

Make the dossier 'revelatory' - Campbell

Chris Ames

Published 09 July 2007

Alastair Campbell's diaries show the Government decided it wanted a strongly worded dossier days before they knew the view of intelligence, reports Chris Ames

Alastair Campbell told intelligence chiefs the Iraq dossier "had to be revelatory" even though Tony Blair had told him "there was really not much to say at the moment", according to his diaries. Blair was reluctant to recall Parliament and did not want the Cabinet to discuss the dossier. Campbell also thought the secret draft of the dossier by spin doctor John Williams represented a Foreign Office takeover attempt. But the diaries leave out many key events that show how heavily Williams and other spin doctors were involved in drafting the dossier and the insertion of the notorious 45 minutes claim...



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